Come and discover Sperlonga’s tourist Harbour.

Sperlonga's Harbour

Sperlonga’s tourist harbour, recently enlarged and renovated, shows a characteristic shape and pattern typical of inland seas such as the Mediterranean, where a natural shelter, enlarged with man-made works, is often exploited as a harbour. The Port of Sperlonga received the Blue Flag 2024 for tourist harbours.

The first dock in Sperlonga was built around 1960 to satisfy the needs of local fisherman and yachtsman. Over the years, the tourist and recreational function has become prevalent, thanks to the quality of the marine waters, the beauty of the coast – which includes the Regional Park of the Riviera di Ulisse – and the proximity of the Pontine islands, located within 30 nautical miles.

The harbour consists of an over-billow pier, which starts from the promontory of Torre Truglia and runs for 200 m in the NW – SE direction and of a curved under-billow pier delimiting two reservoirs separated by a central arm. It covers a total area of 19,000 square meters and it can be accessed through an 11 m wide and 90 m long canal.

Two hydraulic connections between the reservoirs and the supply of clear water coming from the nearby springs ensure an effective recirculation of water in the two basins.

Some sections of the docks are reserved for professional fishermen, Coast Guard boats (S.A.R.) and mooring of the vessels in transit.

The docks and the floating piers, the latter paved with long planks of wood, are equipped with turrets featuring the distribution of electricity and running water, both potable and for washing, available to all docked vessels. A prepaid card will be necessary to access the electricity and drinking water service.

All boats are welcomed in conditions of absolute safety and the dock is equipped with all necessary ground facilities: administrative offices, reception, security guard, toilets with showers and a petrol station.

There also is reserved parking space for the boaters.

The “Corner” beach (literally “Spiaggia dell’Angolo”) extends between the docking area and the archaeological site of Grotta di Tiberio. Together with all the other stretches of beach in Sperlonga, it has been awarded the Blue Flag ever since 1997.

The dock hosts a delegation of the Coast Guard of Gaeta.

Porto di Sperlonga S.r.l. has obtained the UNI ISO 45001 Certification (download the PDF certificate) for the management of health and safety in the workplace.

Porto di Sperlonga S.r.l. is official dealer of innovative mooring shock absorbers produced by Seares.

Porto di Sperlonga S.r.l. has activated an agreement with the Studio Tecnico Navale Di Russo to provide customers with services relating to nautical practices such as safety records, CE certifications, appraisals, consultancy services and legal assistance.

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Sperlonga and surroundings

With its village of white houses stretched out into the sea, halfway between the Circeo promontory and the Gulf of Gaeta, Sperlonga offers unique views and itineraries for a vacation between nature, culture and fun.


Operational HQ

Via Riva dei Pescatori, 7/9
04029 Sperlonga LT
Tel. +39 0771548890

Registered Office

Via D. Cimarosa, 12
04022 Fondi LT


Administration: +39 3351389616

Mooring Assistance: +39 3351389615
